Friday, November 22, 2013

I have been goofing off with Photoshop a lot lately and I have come up with some designs for a water-mark on my pictures The story behind Gomper is a nickname I got in elementary school.

 Most of my first pictures were just of my family I don't have any illusions of grandeur for these pictures

 Some of my buds and me on a trip to a national park I was a great picture opportunity

 This wedding was the first wedding I took pictures at I wasn't the photographer for the wedding I just really like to take pictures. I didn't take it very serious but I thought I got a few good ones.
 I also like to take pictures underwater I have always enjoyed swimming
This picture was of the groom... just after he got off the can

Gomper Photography

Ever since I was a little kid I have always had a camera in my face. I always loved to capture a moment, I saw the beauty in a simple second. Things that people see as being an average scene I see as God's beauty. I see God's creation and it makes me want to share it with others.